Please note that the SLBA 2024 AGM will take place on Thursday 20th June 24, at Rosshall Academy, 131 Crookston Road, Glasgow, G52 3PD, 7pm.

The minutes from our previous year’s AGM are linked to this news item.

Any proposals of changes to the Constitution or Rules must be in writing to the League Secretary at least fourteen days prior to the AGM and be proposed and seconded by two registered Clubs.

We would also welcome at this time any nominations for any of the positions on the Executive committee.

I will circulate to all member Clubs the AGM Agenda along with any proposed regulation changes and Executive nominations at least seven days prior to the AGM.

At the AGM, the current chairperson will conduct the election of officers and if not re-elected, will then stand down and the new chairperson will take control of the meeting. The quorum needed for decisions at the AGM is seven members Club votes excluding the Exec.

All decisions at the AGM must be proposed, seconded and decided by a majority-vote. The deciding vote in the event of equality would be with the Chairperson.

Only Clubs that have completed our latest season and attend the AGM can vote on issues for the coming season. New Clubs have no voting powers until after the Fixture meeting.

Other regulations that clubs should be aware of:

2.10. Any Club wishing to enter a new team or re-enter a team that withdrew during the previous season must lodge a separate surety fee for that team.
2.11. Failure of a current Club to send a representative to the AGM may render the Club liable to a fine of £25.00 and possible withdrawal from the league.
2.12. Non-attendance at the AGM of new Clubs will result in their application being rejected.
2.13. All outstanding fines for the season in question must be paid before the start of the AGM.

Entry forms for entry to the Leagues for the 2024/2 season will follow soon.

Should anyone have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Maureen McNeill
SLBA Secretary


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